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Explore our library of word games

Discover the many ways to train your language skills

Which famous author do you share the most vocabulary with? How contextual is your comprehension? No matter the answer, our collection of fast-paced grammar, vocabulary, and reading games are sure to instill greater confidence in your language skills.

Word Bubbles

In Word Bubbles, you write words that start with the same starting letters. This...


Exercise your vocabulary and reading comprehension by replacing incorrectly used...

Word Snatchers

Exercise your vocabulary by unscrambling the word.


Exercise your vocabulary by ordering words according to meaning.

Editor's Choice

In Editor’s Choice, you quickly identify synonyms by picking them out from a lis...

Taking Root

Exercise your vocabulary by combining roots to make words.

The language skills you'll train

Language includes verbal fluency and word recall, which help us retrieve words from memory. Vocabulary proficiency helps people learn new words that expand the ability to comprehend concepts and articulate ideas more precisely.

14 years, 100 million members


4.7 rating on iOS App Store

"I am surprised and delighted by your games. I appreciate the variety and multiplicity of games and the feeling of personalization. The daily workouts are welcome, more fun than push ups, and they make my day go even better."

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Mary, New Jersey

"I really like this app. Lots of great games and it comes with tutorials that help you understand the game. I love the Insights I receive every time I train. It's also nice that I get to choose what to play."

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Rashmi, California